Family Accommodation

Corredor del Henares

3-star hotels: Alcalá Plaza


Accommodation available for teams and family members

Address: C. Hita 4, 28805 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid.

The Alcalá Plaza Hotel, located near an important shopping and sports area of Alcalá de Henares with cinemas, varied gastronomy and just 12-minute walk from the suburban train stop to move to Madrid center.

The rooms have all the necessary services to enjoy a pleasant stay.

Total price per person


*Fee for family members and/or companions.

5-night stay with breakfast, check-in on Friday, June 23 and check-out on Wednesday, June 28.

If a single room is requested, please ask for the rates from the organization.

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Vía de las Dos Castillas 33,
Atica 4 1ª planta
28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón
Madrid. España

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