Team Accommodation
2-star hotels and residences: Colegio Padre Manyanet
Address: Ctra. El Goloso, Km 3,780, 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid
Colegio Padre Manyanet is located 3 kms from Alcobendas, has a residence area within the school, where the teams will be able to stay and enjoy their stay during the tournament. Meals are served in the school dining room.
The school has outdoor areas with sports courts, available for the teams during their stay.
All rooms have their own bathroom. Bedding is provided, but teams should bring their own towel for the shower.
Total accommodation per person
5-night stay in multiple distribution and full board from lunch on Friday, June 23 to breakfast on Wednesday, June 28.
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Vía de las Dos Castillas 33,
Atica 4 1ª planta
28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón
Madrid. España