
MADCUP is going to be an end-of-season party where each and every player can enjoy themselves. The Sports City of Civitas Alcalá de Henares will be the tournament’s main venue, with the Tournament Celebration Ceremony, a fun-filled fiesta, being held in the Civitas Metropolitano Stadium. The home grounds of Atlético de Madrid is one of the most modern and sustainable stadiums in the world. In collaboration with the University of Alcalá de Henares, MADCUP will join sport with education, values, and manners, all with the aim of becoming the most celebrated soccer tournament of its kind in the world- right here in Madrid, the soccer capital of the world.

Sports, Education and Values

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Vía de las Dos Castillas 33,
Atica 4 1ª planta
28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón
Madrid. España

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